Practical Strategies for Taking Control of Your Time and Priorities

When we think of the word ‘mindfulness’ it can conjure up people with pray hands and ‘omming’ all over the place (not that there’s anything wrong with this if it works for you!). 

However, continually speaking to people about health, goals, habits and generally behaviour change failures, I hear things like ‘yeah but I was away (holiday or work) so my nutrition (or training) is all over the place’ or ‘I haven’t got time for (insert helpful health habit)’. 

Even more impactful is that many parents don’t ‘have’ or make time for their children, citing work. Of course, sometimes working or working more than normal is unavoidable. However, evidence shows time together (or not) can have a huge impact on both the parent and the child. 

So what does it mean to be ‘mindful’? To me it really is about taking ownership and control of any of the mentioned situations. Planning ahead. No excuses. Making the most of it. 

Be mindful of that time away working or on holiday away from your routine. Where are the risks? What can you do? How can you balance things? At the least, how can you mitigate impact? An example of this as a small business owner myself when working away

Try to choose a hotel with (even a crappy!) gym or stay near somewhere you can get a guest pass. No gym? Stay somewhere you can easily get out for an evening or morning walk/jog/ run. Choose to stay somewhere with either a healthy menu or a walk away from healthy food options. If drinking/ socialising with work, can you go 0% alcohol, can you have less calorific options, can you have 1 or 2 drinks and wrap up or mix it up from that point. Try to replicate your home sleeping patterns and conditions, dark room, the right temperature etc 

This goes for the typical week too. 

What are my goals? Where are the risks to achieve these goals? How can I mindfully mitigate this risk, take control and have a good week overall no matter what. Busy days at work? When can I make time for family. Too busy to eat anything other than convenience food? Plan ahead for next week and bring food to match your goals. Can’t train today? Which days can you train? So make those ones. 

It’s not about perfect days or getting it right 100% of the time (the 80-20 rule works a treat) but we can make such a huge impact on our goals by mindfully controlling our time and priorities. 

A popular saying that always stuck with me ‘excuses or results? You can’t have both.’

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