Creating Healthy Cultures – Workplace Wellbeing


Harvard Business Review (2021) informs that “Culture has become a strategic priority with impact on the bottom line. It can’t just be delegated and compartmentalised anymore.” This statement drives the importance of culture, leadership, and management behaviour in fostering a truly supportive work environment in 2024. Forward-thinking employers are moving beyond superficial initiatives that provide short-term relief to instead address the root causes of employee stress and dissatisfaction. This year, the emphasis is on integrating wellbeing into the daily workflow, with a particular focus on empowering middle management and fostering collaborative networks.

The Role of Middle Management

Middle managers, often vital to organisational success and the ones who wield the most influence on employees’ daily experiences, are paradoxically the group experiencing the highest levels of stress (Forbes, 2023). They are tasked with bridging the gap between leadership and employees, a role that requires both strategic oversight and empathetic people management. Recognising their pivotal role, employers are now investing in training programmes to enhance middle managers’ active listening skills and their ability to conduct timely and meaningful conversations with their teams.

Our Top Tips:

– Ensure the tools, environment, and intangible aspects of your employees’ daily work life represents the company’s employee experience model.

– Apply the organisation-wide culture-building objectives and strategies to the context of your group or function.

– Conduct training with employees to foster their engagement with the desired culture.

– Communicate and role-model the desired culture.

Furthermore, it’s essential that middle managers receive the support they need to manage their own wellbeing. By ensuring that these managers are well-equipped and supported, organisations create a trickle-down effect, improving the overall health and happiness of their workforce.

Specialised training like our CPD-accredited Wellbeing Manager Programme could be invaluable to you and your organisation. Such programmes provide essential tools and frameworks for managers to cultivate an atmosphere that supports psychological safety. Get in contact to learn more.

The Rise of Wellbeing Champions

In many organisations, enthusiastic ‘Wellbeing Champions’ have emerged, people at any level of a company who promote, identify and signpost ways to support the wellbeing of colleagues (NHS, 2024). These champions play a critical role in cultivating a positive workplace culture. Companies are now formalising support for these champions, recognising their potential to drive significant culture shifts.

One of the key initiatives supporting this trend is zeno’s Champions and Leaders Network. This innovative health and wellbeing network aims to make a genuine impact on the health of workplace communities and stakeholder groups whilst demonstrating value and organisational impact. 

Bringing together like-minded individuals from diverse organisations to collaborate, share insights, and support each other. By participating in the Wellbeing Champions Network, representatives from various sectors can work together to deliver positive change, integrating mental, social, financial, and physical health into the fabric of organisational culture. 

zeno’s Champions and Leaders Network: A Collaborative Approach

Our Wellbeing Champions Network is a cornerstone of zeno’s strategy to shift the dial on health and happiness in the workplace. This network convenes monthly, allowing members to exchange ideas, share best practice, and explore research-led solutions to common challenges. Participants benefit from zeno’s extensive network of world-class educators and subject experts, gaining insights that help them put prevention at the heart of wellbeing strategy and provision.

Members of the network also gain access to evidence-based wellbeing tools, discovering strategies that are adaptable across different job types, work locations, and demographic groups. This collaborative approach not only improves the implementation of wellbeing initiatives but also enhances the recruitment and retention of top talent.

Want to join the network? Get in touch with us today.

By prioritising the development and support of middle managers, supporting the role of wellbeing champions, and participating in collaborative networks like zeno’s Champions and Leaders Network, companies can create a thriving work environment that benefits everyone.

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