National Walking Month: The Importance of Fresh Air and Exercise for Employee Wellbeing

May marks the start of National Walking Month, therefore at zeno we are focussing on the importance of fresh air and exercise when it comes to your employee’s wellbeing.

Employee wellbeing is an important factor for any organisation. Ensuring that employees are healthy and happy can lead to higher levels of employee engagement, increased employee productivity, and lower rates of absenteeism. One way to promote employee wellbeing is by encouraging fresh air and exercise during the working day. 


Fresh air is essential for the human body. It provides the necessary oxygen for the brain and body to function optimally. Being stuck indoors all day can result in stale air, which can cause headaches, fatigue, and a general feeling of lethargy. On the other hand, being outside in nature can help to clear the mind, increase energy levels, and reduce stress. When employees are exposed to fresh air, they feel more alert and focused, which can lead to increased productivity and better decision-making.


Exercise is a well-established means of maintaining and improving physical health. When individuals sit for extended periods of time, the body’s metabolic rate slows down, and circulation becomes compromised. This can lead to a buildup of fatty acids in the bloodstream, which can contribute to obesity and related health problems. Furthermore, regular exercise is known to strengthen muscles and bones, which can help to prevent muscular-skeletal issues such as back pain, joint pain, and arthritis. A number of studies have demonstrated that employees who engage in regular exercise have lower rates of absenteeism due to illness, resulting in increased productivity and reduced healthcare costs for employers. Moreover, employers who encourage and support their employees’ physical activity demonstrate a commitment to their employees’ health and wellbeing, leading to increased job satisfaction and loyalty.


Employers can promote employee wellbeing by offering exercise facilities on-site, such as an outdoor gym or running track. This allows employees to engage in physical activity during their lunch break or either side of their working day. It also encourages employees to form social connections with their colleagues, which can improve employee engagement and build a sense of community within the workplace.


In addition to on-site exercise facilities, employers can also provide a variety of additional services, such as employee wellness programmes and health screenings. These programmes can help employees identify any health concerns at the earliest stage and signpost to support. They can also encourage employees to take an active role in their own health and wellbeing, which can lead to increased engagement and productivity. Get in touch today to find out more about our Health Assessments and Kiosks. 


So, in today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, it is no secret that employee wellbeing is one of the most important factors for any organisation’s success. By promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging employees to take a break and get some fresh air and exercise during the working day, organisations can witness a significant increase in employee engagement and productivity, and a decrease in absenteeism rates. 


But it’s not just about ticking boxes and fulfilling obligations. Investing in employee wellbeing is an opportunity to create a happier, healthier and more motivated workforce. By providing on-site exercise facilities, wellness programmes, and health screenings, employers can show their employees that they are valued and cared for. When employees feel supported and appreciated, they are more likely to give their all and go the extra mile to achieve their goals.

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