Reframing Fitness


“If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life” – Confucius

I’ve always loved this quote, but only ever thought about it in a ‘working’ context. But could you imagine loving your fitness activity?

Most people I try help with behaviour change and health habits focus on past experience as a reference for future fun.

It’s amazing how different doing an activity you love is vs that fitness activity you tell yourself you should be doing. That eye rolling, off putting, either did because you ‘had’ to or dodged and couldn’t bare the thought of.

Imagine looking forward to an activity like that running, walking, cycling, golf or whatever obsessed friend or colleague you have.

Imagine feeling part of something that’s more than just motivating yourself today/ tomorrow/ this week.

Quick guide;
  • Try different activities and see what you enjoy.

  • Link skills development to fitness if you love learning and / or meeting new people.

  • Keep going until you find something that doesn’t feel like ‘work’

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Backed by behavioural change science and health psychology, zeno takes a person-centred approach to energising people, places and cultures across mental, physical, social and financial health. Find out more.

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