Venus vs Mars – Who’s Coping Best?


A big risk for men that impacts health but also often their wider lifestyle and loved ones is ‘coping’ and coping strategies.

Many men feel like they have to be the ‘strong one’ and take on any daily pressures or stress to help others cope, but there’s still a stigma around seeking help for many.

Females are much better on average at seeking help from a health professional, therefore applying a positive coping strategy for a number of important issues.

Men generally are more likely to engage in risk behaviours and apply these to what is termed ‘negative coping’ strategies such as drinking alcohol, taking drugs, gambling and watching porn.

This is often referred to as the ‘health paradox’ in that women seek more professional health support but tend to live longer. However, it only really takes the application of common sense to see that those seeking positive coping get more positive longer term outcomes.

A man’s negative coping often relates to a well known and frequently seen psychological concept known as ‘avoidance’. It also relates to attaining dopamine, yet both elements are focused on changing our state of mind to cope.

The great news is that you can replace or manage many negative coping strategies. Yes, even if you’ve done something a long time. Yes, even if it might mean friends take the mick at first.

Positive coping strategies are known to deliver as much or more dopamine than negative ones and change your state of mind for the better. No, you don’t have to do them all and it’s about finding what works for you over time.


  • Walking or running in nature and looking at greenery, water and trees

  • Lifting weights

  • Mindfulness, meditation and journaling

  • Learning and hobbies – a sense of focus, and growth for self

  • Social connections (that don’t just revolve around booze)

  • Eating whole, non processed foods focused on balance between calorie management, protein and the 80/20 rule of eating healthy to treats.

  • Sleep – consistency and quality – in my opinion the most underrated tool at our disposal

  • Giving – so much research links to giving back and helping others as a big driver for positive wellbeing

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